by aiming for a lower budget deficit, Egypt may hurt its growth prospects and
end up with a higher deficit than it is hoping for.
There was some last-minute
drama in the release of Egypt’s budget for the current fiscal year which began
on July 1. The president, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, rejected the initial
budget that was presented to him. He asked the Ministry of Finance to reduce
the deficit, which was expected to reach 281bn Egyptian pound (9.9% of GDP). In
the space of a few days, the ministry re-evaluated its figures and came up with
a revised budget and a new deficit of 251bn pound (8.9% of GDP). These events
raise two questions: How did the ministry manage to reduce the deficit by 30bn
pound? And can the new deficit be realistically achieved?
The answer to the
first question is that revenues were revised up by 10bn pound while
expenditures were revised down by 20bn pound. As the table below shows, the
higher revenues are a result of higher non-tax revenues, which include profits
from publicly-owned companies, the central bank and the Suez Canal. Why are these
expected to increase by 10bn pound now compared to a few days ago? It is not
Meanwhile, half of
the expected cut in expenditure (10bn pound) is due to lower spending on salaries
and wages. The other half comes from either decreased purchases of goods and
services or lower spending on other items (which include defence, national
security and judiciary, among other things). The published figures do not allow
for a full distinction.
Now, can the new
deficit be realistically achieved? Probably not, and for three reasons.
First, the rush in
getting the revised budget out suggests that the revisions were not carefully
thought through. And the scrambling to revise the numbers is evident from the
Ministry of Finance publishing the wrong
figure for expenditure on its website (868bn pound instead of the
correct 865bn).
Second, commodity
prices—whose decline in 2014/15 helped control spending and reduce the deficit—are
projected to rebound. The budget expects oil price to average $70 per barrel in
2015/16, up from the current price range of $55-$65. This is likely to increase
the burden on spending, making it harder to achieve the 8.9% of GDP fiscal
Third, and most
importantly, the revised budget assumes that the lower deficit has no impact on
growth. The initial budget assumed a growth rate of about 5% in 2015/16—the same
growth rate assumed under the revised budget, even after slashing the deficit
by 1% of GDP. The assumption that the reduced budget deficit will have no
growth impact contradicts the recent experiences of the US, UK and the Euro
Area. In each of these regions, tighter fiscal deficits had a significantly negative
impact on growth, and these economies only picked up when the drag from fiscal
policy dissipated. One would not expect the experience of Egypt to be any different.
And there is a
feedback loop from lower growth to the budget: Slower growth could result in lower
tax revenues and a higher fiscal deficit, the very thing the Sisi’s revision to
budget sought to reduce. Paradoxically, by aiming for a lower budget deficit,
Egypt may hurt its growth prospects and end up with a higher deficit than it is
hoping for.
You make some valid points Ziad, and I only hope your good sense gets through to those who make the decisions.